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  • Writer's pictureTexasGoPro

Allowing GoPros on rides at amusement parks.... Yes or No?

Updated: Apr 22, 2019

Most major theme parks do not allow GoPros on their rides for safety and copyright reasons. However, there are a small handful of parks that do allow hands free devices, such as, GoPros and other recording devices on their rides. Busch Gardens franchise, which also includes Sea World, allows them on their rides, but have a strict policy on how they should be mounted. Also, many traveling carnivals allow them as well, but there is no set standard. In order for amusement parks to keep their guests safe, many choose to just simply not allow hands free recording devices. However, as technology advances and action cameras become more accessible amusement parks will need to find a safe way to meet their guests needs.

Here is a link to an IAAPA article published back in 2015 on GoPros.

Also, if a GoPro is secured with a chest harness, wrist strap, etc. How does that count as a loose article? I assume parks can get away with that by simply saying "No cameras." However, many parks actually include "No GoPros" allowed on their attractions safety guidelines.

Below is a link to Busch Gardens Tampa hands free camera policy:

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