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  • Writer's pictureTexasGoPro

Avoiding long wait times with GoPro

I've only been to one park that checks riders GoPro setup and that was at Sea World Orlando, FL. Since Busch Gardens parks allows hands free cameras on their rides, I'd imagine they would have the same setup.

The only two rides that I remember having someone check my GoPro was Manta and Mako. When I emailed Sea World before someone replied saying that only a certain type of harness would be allowed because of the ride's over the shoulder restraint system. At the entrance of the ride there was a ride attendant checking my GoPro setup. It was very quick and he really only checked my hand strap, which basically was him pulling up on my camera and seeing that it was properly secure. The whole process was very short. When I used the chest harness, they really didn't check it.

Now let's talk about a busy day. Would checking someone's GoPro slow down the lines even more? I honestly don't think so. There is a lot of down time in between unloading/loading and running them. During that time an operator could go through the line and check guests with GoPros. There are easy ways around slowing down the ride. First of all, not everyone is going to have a GoPro. Then some people are only going to use the chest and shoulder mounts. However, as GoPros become more affordable we may see them more. Another option might be for the guests with GoPros check in at a station and are given a pass which shows they have been cleared. However, if you take the camera off anytime during the day you might need to be checked again by a ride attendant.

At some point I plan to create a ride attendant training video that would be very short so that ride operators could not only check for security, but also be efficient not to slow down waiting time.

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